
Medical Electives

Your Interaction with the local healthcare teams is an invaluable skills and personal experience that you cannot miss. This program gives you a chance to integrate your theory in this practicum experience. It is a valuable way to explore the field of medicine, medical interns in Africa are usually incorporated into the daily routine of the local medical hospital or clinic quickly, where the work can be interesting and varied.

Community out reaches are an integral part of the program bringing health care to community and working with the local leaders to provide care. Students are offered a combination of a medical and surgical rotation and a final week of a tourist experience in the last week of their stay to take a small part of beauty of Uganda with them back home.

On arrival you will have an introductory session that will allow you to and your preceptor a session that individualizes your elective experience to meet your academic needs.

Each internship week has intermission that allows the students to go over theory and discuss goals met and the next mile stone.

There is a wide variety of departments within the hospitals and clinics that our interns and medical volunteers can investigate while they are in Africa. From pharmacology to maternity, you can generally explore a vast topic of subjects that interest you most or you find the most challenging.

Medical internships in Uganda are filled with numerous opportunities for volunteers who are interested in medicine or want to work in a hospital. Volunteers who decide to participate in a medical internship with EEA will have the chance to see medical procedures, help in clinical and hospital work, and gain valuable experience.

Hospitals in Africa are not generally equipped with all the modern equipment that is available in the United States, Europe and may other countries in the world. So for these medical internships a strong interest in medicine and a desire to help others are very important. High school students interested in becoming doctors, pre-med undergraduate college students, medical school students, students who want to take a glide year and doctors are all people who are qualified wanted for these medical internships in Africa.

Many of the volunteers have found doing medical volunteer work in Uganda to be tremendously gratifying. Medical interns are often given the opportunity to care for sick or injured people and to learn new medical techniques that they would not have been exposed to until their second or third year of medical school. The internship gives the volunteers the chance to do important volunteer work in countries that need help and possibly obtain new knowledge in medical techniques and practices.

Surgical units to choose from

  • Post-surgical unit
  • Outpatient clinic follow ups
  • Delivery room for normal Delivery
  • Operation room for complicated deliveries

Medical Units choose from

  • Medical units
  • Pediatric Units
  • Specialties (HIV, ENT, Renal, Neuro)

Our specialty programs include

  • Tropical Medicine
  • Community Outreach (e.g. Traditional Birth Attendants)

Nursing Electives

Nursing is one of the biggest pillar of the health team. As a nurse you will have the privilege of having the most contact and interaction time with the patient and their caregiver. You will be mastering skills to assess the verbal and nonverbal, while providing timely intervention and communicate with the rest of your team. This elective will allow you a culture sensitive chance to sharpen these senses, skills and expand your knowledge as you provide care under keen supportive supervision.