Our Team

Elective Expirience Africa (EEA) Team Biography


At EEA is a personal mentor for all medical students signed up at our program . He will periodically asses if your self set learning objectives are being met. Dr. Niyonzima is a medical officer at Mulago Hospital and is the head of research and training directorate at the Uganda Cancer Institute. At Experience Elective Africa Dr. Niyonzima is a mentor and provides academic support to all medical students ensuring your medical objectives on these clinical rotations are being met

Dr. Niyonzima personal experience has been a fuel to his dedication to quality care provision of Cancer Patients in Mulago Hospital Cancer Institute. Dr. Niyonzima graduated from Makerere University College of Health sciences with MBChB, Medicine. He Later obtained a Master of Science in Global health at Duke University and at University of Washington he graduated with a PhD in Cell/Cellular Molecular Biology . Post Doctoral Fellow at Fred Hutch


Dr. Niyonzima is currently undertaking research describing the genetic and mutational profile of cancer in Uganda. Dr. Niyonzima is currently conducting a study in ……………………………..


Characteristics of Memory B Cells Elicited by a Highly Efficacious HPV Vaccine in Subjects with No Pre-existing Immunity. Erin M. Scherer, Robin A. Smith, Cassandra A. Simonich, Nixon Niyonzima, Joseph J. Carter, Denise A. Galloway Published by POLS October 2014 .

Digital detection of endonuclease mediated gene disruption in the HIV provirus Ruth Hall Sedlak1,*, Shu Liang1,*, Nixon Niyonzima2, Harshana S. De Silva Feelixge2, Pavitra Roychoudhury2, Alexander L. Greninger1, Nicholas D. Weber2,†, Sandrine Boissel5, Andrew M. Scharenberg5,6, Anqi Cheng3, Amalia Magaret1,2,3, Roger Bumgarner4, Daniel Stone2 & Keith R. Jerome1,2 Published by Scientific Reports February 2016

Prognosis and delay of diagnosis among Kaposi’s sarcoma patients in Uganda: a cross-sectional study. CChristopher De Boer, Nixon Niyonzima, Jackson Orem, John Bartlett and S Yousuf Zafar. Published by Infectious Agents and Cancer April 2014


Dr. Kakyama coordinates the clinical educators working with our medical students and Doctors signed with EEA. Dr. Kakyama divides his time between Mulago Hospital Orthopedic Department and Makerere University in Kampala Uganda. Dr Kakyama holds lectures educating Nurses, Students, Residents, Fellows and family members who are care gives on importance of post surgical care in low-resource areas . Courses he has taught include:- …………..Dr. Kakyama is part of orthopedic team that organizes that biggest free annual camp in Northern Uganda , improving the livelihood of people who otherwise would not be able to afford these surgeries.


Dr Kakyama is currently conducting a study in ……………………………..




AT EEA Dr Mbalinda coudinates Nursing students and Nurses stay in our program. Dr. Mbalinda passion is grooming, educating an shaping nursing education. Dr. Mbalinda lectures at both Mulago Diploma Nursing school and Makerere College of health Sciences. She has also been an international ambassador all around the world for the school of nursing. Dr. Mbalinda periodically together with the rest of the team monitor the community Education part of Courses offered at Makerere University College of health science.


Scovia N Mbalinda is currently conducting a study in ……………………………..


Assessing community perspectives of the community based education and service model at Makerere University, Uganda: a qualitative evaluation. Scovia N Mbalinda, Colin M Plover, Gilbert Burnham, Dan Kaye, Andrew Mwanika, Hussein Oria, Isaac Okullo, Wilson Muhwezi and Sara Groves. Published by BMC International Health and Human Rights March 2011.

The organization and implementation of community-based education programs for health worker training institutions in Uganda. Dan Kaye, Andrew Mwanika, Gilbert Burnham, Larry W Chang, Scovia N Mbalinda, Isaac Okullo, Rose C Nabirye, Wilson Muhwezi, Hussein Oria, Stephen Kijjambu, Lynn Atuyambe and Warren Aryeija. Published by BMC International Health and Human Rights March 2011.
Factors associated with depressive symptoms among postpartum mothers in a rural district in Uganda

Tracy Alexis Kakyo,Joshua Kanaabi Muliira , Scovia Nalugo Mbalinda, Irene Betty Kizza, Rhoda Suubi Muliira. Published by Midwifery journal June 2012

Stigma in AIDS Nursing Care in Sub-Saharan Africa and the Caribbean Judy Mill, Jean Harrowing, Tania Rae, Solina Richter, Karin Minnie, Scovia Mbalinda, Cerese Hepburn-Brown . Published by Sage Journals June 2013


Mrs Lwantale is the heart beat of EEA , she will help coordinate and ensure your wholistic stay during this clinical placement. Mrs. Lwantale’s Larger than life spirit is always being powered into the lives of young women she mentors through her work with Imali . She inspires communities into entrepreneurship and independence . Mrs. Lwantale’s passion is sharing Uganda’s beautiful tourism sceneries with the world as well as her love for African fashion and deco.


Dr Kakyama is currently conducting a study in ……………………………..

