About Us


Welcome to Elective Experience Africa (EEA). We are a world renown company improving the healthcare, tourism, volunteering and research experience for health professionals and students across the world. We work towards influencing the improvement of health care systems in Africa.

We deliver hands on experience, skill improvement, and once in a lifetime experience for our clients in medical tourism and Research. We emphasize values of professionalism, diversity, integrity, Quality, efficiency, and Commitment.

EEA was founded by professionals with over 20 years of medical experience and strong partnerships with healthcare centers and communities. Through our community projects we are committed to improve the health of rural communities in Africa through access to medical professionals across the world.

Are you a Doctor, Dentist, Nurse, physician, doula, lactation consultant Nurse or are pursuing something in the medical field. Are you looking to give back to the community through volunteering in a medical camp? Even if you are not in the medical profession your placement team will benefit communities through your expertise as we need a solid teams to have successful medical camps, it will be an honor to have you volunteer with us.


To provide hands on experience that allows Medical, Dental and Nursing students as well as professionals and volunteers to transform communities as they improve their skills and experience evidence based practice. The program is an eye opener on the impact culture has on health practice and how to work with the low resource environment to deliver care.


To provide professionalism, Quality, Diversity, Integrity, Innovativeness, Efficiency, Effectiveness and Commitment to medical and nursing students and professionals to transform communities across Africa as they improve skills and experience based on practice.

The program will be an eye opener for the impact culture has on health practice and how to work in a low resource environment to deliver care. Hospitals in Africa are not generally equipped with all the modern equipment that is available in the United States, Europe and may other countries in the world. So for these medical internships a strong interest in medicine and a desire to help others are very important.